Tänään mulla meni sairaalassa pitempään kun yleensä, valohoidon sijaan multa otettiin jalasta koepala ja sit verikokeissa 7 pulloa verta. Saa nähä mitkä tulokset tulee postissa. Nyt mulla on jalassa muutama tikki enkä saa ennen niitten poistoa uida tai saunoa. Jei, mutta ei se niin vakavaa ole.
Kävin sit verkkokauppa.comissa ostamassa murulle lahjaks (muutenvaan) kuulokkeet kun se sellaisia toivoi. Helsingistä suuntasinkin suoraan hoitaa Lauria, jonka kanssa päädyin One Wayn aleihin. Shoppailukuume nousi ja ihana paita tarttui mukaan (15 eurolla ja äiti muuten lupas maksaa sen takas, se oli kuulemma lohdutuslahja (mulla on piikkikammo joten verikokeet oli paha paikka)).
My summer has been a little weird, besides going to light therapy I have been babysitting and cleaning up our kitchen for money. Of course I have seen my friends too, for example I was at the movies with Vera one day to see this new "Jahti"-movie. We missed about two minutes of the movie cause we were laughing so hard (but still so quiet) when we realized the movie was Swedish (actually it was Danish). After all the movie was oppressive as hell, especially the end. Still it was worth watching, even if we didn't think so.
Today it took a lot longer in the hospital, cause instead of light therapy they took a little biopsy from my leg and after that I ended up to blood tests, where they took 7 bottles of my blood! Let's see what the results are. Now I have a few stitches on my leg and I can't swim or go to sauna before they've been taken off. Yeah, but it's not so serious as it sounds.
After that I went to verkkokauppa.com to buy new headphones for my honey as a gift (with no actual reason). From Helsinki I headed straight to babysit Lauri, whom I ended up to One Ways sales. My shopping fever was getting higher so I had to buy this one lovely shirt (it cost just 15€ and besides my mum promised to pay it back cause i had been so brave (i have a spike phobia so the blood tests were no fun at all)).
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